The Palestine Papers
Non-Paper on Palestinian Refugees

This is an internal document explaining how Palestinian refugees should be handled in a treaty with Israel.

Last Updated:

Non- paper / to be circulated for discussion purpose only



Article 6 Refugees


6.1. The Parties recognize the urgent need, in the context of ending the conflict, to address and resolve the refugee issue in accordance with the terms of the Treaty.


6.2. The Parties commit to pursue a comprehensive, just and agreed upon resolution to the Palestinian refugee issue in accordance with international law, including UNGAR 194, and the principles set out below:


- Refugees? rights are individual rights. As such, every refugee is entitled to his/her rights as prescribed in international law;


- Israel acknowledges its moral and legal responsibility for the forced longstanding displacement and dispossession of the Palestinian civilian population stemming from its actions during and subsequent to the war of 1948;


- Refugees shall be provided with repatriation and resettlement options, including return to Israel, to be implemented in accordance with an agreed annual quota and within an agreed period of time (renewable on the basis of both parties? consent), and return to Palestine, as its sole discretion;


- Refugees shall be granted restitution and/or full compensation for the material and non-material damages they have suffered, including loss of opportunities and human rights suffering as a result of their protracted displacement. These rights shall not be prejudiced by the refugee permanent place of residence.


- States that have hosted Palestinian refugees shall be entitled for remuneration.


6.3. In order to enable a comprehensive, just and effective settlement of the refugee issue, an international mechanism shall be established to implement all aspects of the Treaty relating to refugees with the participation of Palestine, Israel, the host countries and other necessary and willing countries and entities.


6.4. In furtherance thereof, an international found shall be established to finance the repatriation, resettlement and rehabilitation of the refugee, and the reparation program, including restitution and/or compensation. Israel commits to provide funding to the reparation program. Other countries and entities will also contribute to the found to cover return, resettlement and rehabilitation program and supplement the non-material damages aspects of the reparation program.