Comment and Questions
Explanatory Note to Claimants
What you can claim for
“Damage sustained behind or on the Green Line” requires clarification.
The next steps
It is not clear whether a claimant has a right to appeal a decision not to register a claim.
Claimant Identification
Have you already submitted a Claim Form to UNRoD?
A number box should be used for the Claim Form Number.
Corporations, Organizations, Public or Other Entities
Space should be included for the “governorate”.
Category A ? Agriculture
Please explain how you obtained the right to access and use the land
What is the rationale behind this question?
If you are a co-owner, co-tenant or user: State your share
As a fraction? In dunums?
For owners/co-tenants: DOCUMENTS
What is the “registration certificate” in reference to?
Details of affected land
“Mawat” should be deleted, as mawat, by definition, is vacant. [check with Dr. Jad]
Size of land before construction of the Wall
What does this mean?
Some trees have been uprooted and stolen. This should be reflected in the Form.
What does it mean to report a loss of or restricted access to livestock?
Agricultural equipment and stockAgricultural structures before the construction of the Wall
Moveable property may have been confiscated or stolen. This should be reflected in the Form.What does it mean to have “access to water lost or restricted” number?
Furthermore, additional information should be requested about the nature of the structures (i.e., size, construction material, date purchased or constructed, cost of construction/purchase, etc.) as in the case of commercial business premises on page B5 or residences on page C7.
Agricultural equipment and stock
Moveable property may have been confiscated or stolen. This should be reflected in the Form.
Also, additional information should be requested about the nature of the asset (i.e., date purchased or constructed, cost of construction/purchase, etc.).
Agricultural produce and water
Is the claimant requested to provide the income for just the year before the construction of the Wall? Or any benchmark year would be possible? It would be better practice to request figures for the past three years. (This comment applies anywhere where the annual gross income is requested.)
What happened to your agricultural activities as a result of the construction of the Wall? ? Reduced output/income
A field for “yearly gross income before the Wall” should be added.
Category B ? Commercial
Distance between the affected business and the Wall
You may wish to have this field precede the “type of legal entity”.
Business premises
Questions on the year of construction, year of purchase, and cost of construction/purchase should be added.
What happened to your business as a result of the construction of the Wall? ? Business premises damaged on
The “Description of damage” field does not provide sufficient space.
Loss of or restricted access to business premises
These should be broken out into two separate causes of damage.
Also, it is unclear what is the difference between this cause and the one “Loss of or restricted access to suppliers and/or market place” below.
Business vehicles affected
The “description” field does not provide sufficient space.
It is not clear how “loss of access” is different from “loss of use”. Consider deleting “loss of use”.
“Loss of rental income” does not seem to fit here. A loss of rental income could be caused by any of the other heads (destruction, damage, loss access, restricted access).
Business equipment affected
The “description” field does not provide sufficient space.
It is not clear how “loss of access” is different from “loss of use”. Consider deleting “loss of use”.
“Loss of rental income” does not seem to fit here. A loss of rental income could be caused by any of the other heads (destruction, damage, loss access, restricted access).
Business stock affected
The “description” field does not provide sufficient space.
It is not clear how “loss of access” is different from “loss of use”. Consider deleting “loss of use”.
“Loss of rental income” does not seem to fit here. A loss of rental income could be caused by any of the other heads (destruction, damage, loss access, restricted access).
Loss of contract
You should ask for the value of the contract.
Ceased operations
Temporarily interrupted
Reduced operations
No documentary evidence is requested to establish these facts.
Changed business activity on
Claimants are asked to report under an “annual net income” basis against a “yearly gross income” basis. This is inconsistent.
Commercial land
It is not clear why this category of loss is listed separately and at the end of this Section. In addition, it is not clear what is meant by “commercial land”. Explanation is required.
Furthermore, it is not clear where a claimant would claim for loss of or restricted access to vacant land that is not currently used for residential, commercial or agricultural purposes, but which could be used for some purpose. The tickbox on page A2 is noted, however where would the claimant fill in the relevant information?
Category C ? Residential
Tenants/Residents: DOCUMENTS showing tenancy/residency
How are mobile phone bills appropriate evidence of tenancy?
Were you living in the above-mentioned residence before the construction of the Wall?
The date fields relate to the “yes” answer. So, for clarity, the “no” box should precede the “yes” box, placing the “yes” box immediately before the date fields.
If yes, please provide proof of residence before the construction of the Wall
How are mobile phone bills appropriate evidence of residence?
Residential land
It is not clear why this category of loss is listed separately and at the end of this Section. In addition, it is not clear what is meant by “residential land”. Explanation is required.
Furthermore, it is not clear where a claimant would claim for loss of or restricted access to vacant land that is not currently used for residential, commercial or agricultural purposes, but which could be used for some purpose.
Category D ? Employment
Residence (before construction of the Wall) ? Please state address
The “West Bank” tick box is not very telling. What is more telling is whether the location is west or east of the Wall.
Also, there is insufficient space to fill in the address.
How was your employment affected by the construction of the Wall? ? Temporarily interrupted
How do “salary slip/bank records” provide evidence of an interruption? In any event, be aware that most employees receive their salaries on a cash basis.
Furthermore, claimants should be requested for evidence of their salary before the interruption, during the interruption and after the interruption.
How was your employment affected by the construction of the Wall? ? Reduced employment
The “salary/wage” field is missing “daily” “monthly” boxes, as well as a “payment in kind or benefits” field.
How was your employment affected by the construction of the Wall? ? Changed employment
You may wish to ask for the address of the new employment.
Reasons why employment was affected
The most common reasons why employment is disrupted are because (1) the very presence of the Wall blocks the normal route(s) of access, and/or (2) delays at checkpoint terminals. The delay is not necessarily due to a gate closure or lack of permit. Delays are caused by the Wall?s reduction of traffic routes, thereby creating congestion at checkpoint terminals, and by the discretion of soldiers at the checkpoint terminals. Therefore, you may wish to list these as additional reasons.
Category E ? Access to Services
How was access restricted?
The most common reasons why access is restricted are because (1) the very presence of the Wall blocks the normal route(s) of access, and/or (2) delays at checkpoint terminals. The delay is not necessarily due to a gate closure or lack of permit. Delays are caused by the Wall?s reduction of traffic routes, thereby creating congestion at checkpoint terminals, and by the discretion of soldiers at the checkpoint terminals. Therefore, you may wish to list these as additional reasons.
Place of Residence ? Please state address
Place of required health facility ? Please state address
The “West Bank” tick box is not very telling. What is more telling is whether the location is west or east of the Wall.
Also, there is insufficient space to fill in the addresses.
Also, the location of the health facility is also requested above in “Frequency of treatment required”. You may wish to eliminate the redundancy.
What happened as a result of lack of access?
There is insufficient space in the “Please describe:” field.
What happened as a result of lack of access? ? Additional transportation
The tick boxes for “foot” and “car” are missing.
Access to education services ? Place of residence and place of educational establishment
The “West Bank” tick box is not very telling. What is more telling is whether the location is west or east of the Wall.
Also, there is insufficient space to fill in the addresses.
“Postal code” and “country” fields are not relevant.
Reasons for interruption of your education
The most common reasons why access is restricted are because (1) the very presence of the Wall blocks the normal route(s) of access, and/or (2) delays at checkpoint terminals. The delay is not necessarily due to a gate closure or lack of permit. Delays are caused by the Wall?s reduction of traffic routes, thereby creating congestion at checkpoint terminals, and by the discretion of soldiers at the checkpoint terminals. Therefore, you may wish to list these as additional reasons.
Did you resume your education?
You may wish to add tick boxes to indicate whether the location of the new educational establishment is in West Bank, Seam Zone or other, as you did above with the original educational establishment.
Category F ? Public Resources and Other
Public Resources
Some of the heads of damage lack clarity or comprehensiveness:
“Loss of or inability to access” water resources should be “Depletion of, damage to, and/or loss of or restricted access to” water resources.
“Damage to or loss or resources caused by the construction of the Wall in the oPt that negatively impacted the water supply in the region or area of jurisdiction” requires clarification.
“Diminution” of natural resources should be “Depletion of, destruction of, damage to, and/or loss of or restricted access to” natural resources.
“Damage to or destruction of” sites of archaeological value should be “Destruction of, damage to, and/or loss of or restricted access to” sites of archaeological value.
Loss of public revenue, and extraordinary public expenditures should also be included.
Religious property
It may not be obvious to religious institutions that they should complete this part of the Form. They may complete other parts of the Form.
Claimant?s Declaration and Signature
Compensation claimed or received
Should the question be limited to compensation or should it extend to any kind of remedy claimed?